Monday, February 22

Seabuckthorn Pannacotta with Crispy Meringue Shards

When my Mother in law was here during the weekend I also prepared the desssert to die for. For dessert we had a really nice Seabuckthorn pannacotta with some crunchy meringue shards and vanilla ice cream. My mother in law really enjoyed the dinner and I’m sure she will remember it for some time. I was really satisfied with the whole meal but especially with this beautiful vibrant dessert.

Seabuckthorn Pannacotta
1 1/2 dl cream
1 dl sugar
1 dl seabuckthorn berry juice
really small pinch of saffron (optional)
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1 1/2 gelatine sheets

Put the sheets of gelatine in cold water. Mix the sugar, cream, seabuckthorn juice and saffron in a pan and cook until the sugar has dissolved.

Squeeze the excess water from the gelatine sheets and add to the hot mixture. Mix well to avoid any lumps. Strain the mixture into a bowl.

Cool down the mixture placing the bowl into a pan of ice water. Remember to mix once in a while. Pour the cooled down mixture into silicone forms or whatever you like to serve the pannacotta from. For example you can serve the pannacotta from glass jars if you like. I wanted the pannacotta to be small round shapes so I actually used a silicone form which is used for making cake pops :D

Put the silicone form or jars into the fridge and let it set a bit and then place into the freezer. I put them in the freezer because it’s easier to get the pannacotta out of the silicone forms when they are frozen not to ruin their beautiful shape. Before serving however, let them stay in room temperature for half an hour.

I added the saffron originally out of curiosity to see if I could get the colour of the pannacotta even more intense. However,  it added more flavour than colour. Make sure not to put too much saffron though because it will overpower all the other flavours.The seabuckthorn juice can be replaced with any other fruit or berry juice.

Seabuckthorn curd

70 g Seabuckthorn berry juice
70 g sugar
1 egg
1 sheet of gelatine

The result was maybe a bit too stiff so make sure you keep it in room temperature a while before plating. I think next time I will use less gelatine to make it a bit creamier.

White chocolate crumble (optional...I just happened to have some from before)

Chop the white chocolate and place on an oven tray covered with baking sheet. Roast in the oven until golden brown. Make sure to look into the oven because this burns so fast.

Crispy Meringue Shards

1 Egg white
40 g granulated sugar
40 g icing sugar
1 tsp lemon juice

Whisk the egg white, lemon juice and granulated sugar until stiff and glossy. Add the icing sugar with a spatula. When mixed well together spread onto a baking sheet. Place in the oven for approximately 30 mins or until hard and crispy.
This recipe makes quite a lot but you can pack it into an airtight container and use on other desserts or with just ice cream.

Frozen Seabuckthorn berries and flowers for deco.

Serve with vanilla ice-cream. I didn’t make my own because I don't have an ice cream machine so I used Häagen Dazs 'cause I just happen to think its one of the best ice-creams on the market :) 

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