Wednesday, November 2

Lazy mans oven baked apples for those late night cravings

I hate it when you get a craving for those late night munchies that Nigella Lawson seems to be very familiar with. I think I was scrolling on my phone and happened to see a recipe of an apple pie. Now, I had already eaten dinner and was sitting on the sofa watching tv and waiting with excitement to see the next episode of Master chef Australia online (my favourite show btw that always makes me cry)....and thought how can I watch a cooking program without then just satisfying my need of a guilty pleasure of eating at night.
I knew I'd have all the ingredients for an apple pie but decided to go for a lazy mans crumble or whatever I could call these oven baked apples. Now don't let the look deceive I said this is just something for those fast and furious moments when you don't have lots of time.

I just quickly peeled the apples...however if you're even more in hurry for a treat then leave the skin on. I just cut them into random wedges and started to chuck in whatever I got my hands on in the pantry; butter, oatmeal, maple syrup, cinnamon, sugar and salt...that's it. I then popped the baking tray in the oven and headed to the store for some local vanilla ice-cream. By the time I was back, my home smelled heavenly of homebake. The apples were ready.

Now the worst bit is to wait for it to cool down...however I managed quite well.

Now I was ready for Masterchef....Aah! How I love this feeling of satisfaction :) also Nigella would've been proud (maybe not of the looks).

I Used:

Apples from my own garden
Maple Syrup

Heat the oven to 175°C and bake for approximately 20 mins or until the crumble has a golden colour and the apples are soft.

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