Monday, February 20

Fast and Easy Thai Chicken Curry

When it's cold outside I often tend to want to eat soups or spicy stuff. Yesterday I couldn't decide on if to make Ramen or Thai coconut Chicken soup so I had bought ingredients that would go both ways. Since I had enjoyed Ramen yesterday it was time for some Thai food today. I made this really simple Thai curry that will be ready in a jiffy and would use up all my leftovers cause I really don't like to throw food away.
I even had the chicken ready from yesterday so this was faster than getting fast food. It's probably not the prettiest or most sophisticated of my curries but this is my fast version when you just want something in a rush and still be fulfilling.

2 cloves of garlic
1/2 - 1 chili
1 stalk of lemongrass
15g ginger
1 lime (zest and juice)
2 stalks of spring onion
5 mini patty pan courgettes (140g)
40g Haricot verts green beans
30g shitake mushrooms
400ml coconut milk
2tbsp fish sauce
2 chicken fillets

I even ended up chucking in the rest of my pickled radishes :D

Dried and sliced Coconut

serve with rice

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