Thursday, March 29

Chocolate egg filled with Blueberry "pasha"

Okay okay I know this isn't exactly like a pasha which is a traditional Orthodox dessert eaten at easter but it's a bit lighter version of it (without any butter) and that's where I got my inspiration from when thinking what to fill my homemade chocolate egg with.
Typically pasha contains almonds and dried fruits, drained quark, butter, sugar and cream.  But I just made it a bit quicker.

A few days ago I tried making my own chocolate eggs in an egg shaped chocolate mould. I just melted white chocolate in a bain marie and once melted I gradually added some chocolate chips to it until they just a bout dissolved. The hard nibs are working like the "teacher" teaching the melted chocolate to become hard again like in tempering. If you don't do this your chocolate egg will not harden completely. 

Just to quicken the procedure I put my eggs in the freezer making them properly hard before removing from the mould.

I now had made my own easter egg :) YEY

 Today I thought I would fill these with something and came up with making a lighter version of pasha as here in Finland we like to eat that during easter.

You can use this filling without the egg or even fill just a ready bought egg.

2dl Quark
1dl whipping cream
0,5 dl sugar
lemon zest
lemonjuice from half a lemon
2 gelatine leaves
a bit of cream cheese (1dl) just in case to make it a bit more firm (this can however be omitted)
Pistachios (unsalted)
blue spirulina or food colouring of your choice.

Soak the gelatine leaves in cold water for a few minutes.

Mix the quark and the sugar and add the blue spirulina or food colouring.

Heat up the lemon juice and add the gelatine leaves until they dissolve. Take off the heat and let it cool a bit before mixing it into the quark mixture.
Add the cream cheese if using.

Whip the cream until quite firm. Fold in with the quark mixture.

Place in the cold for a couple of hours unless it already is piping consistency.

Mix in some chopped pistachios and the lemon zest.

Top with blueberries and some more pistachios

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